amla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur organized Online State Level Staff Development Program (SDP) on e-governance, Data Management and Finance Management for Administrative Staff and IQAC Members from 25th May 2020 to 29th May 2020.
On 25th May 2020, the first day of SDP, Speaker Ms. Keyaa Mukhrjee, Office Superintendent, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Mumbai delivered the talk on e-Documentation and Record Management.
On 26th May , Ms. Mukherjee delivered the talk on Implementation of e-Governance in different operational areas like Planning & Development, Administration, Finance & Accounts .
On 27th May, Ms. Mukhrjee talked on Data Centricity and Admin Audit with NAAC perspectives.
On 28th May, Speaker Mrs. Aarati Mahadik, Accountant, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Mumbai delivered the talk on Financial Management.
The last day of SDP on 29th May , Ms. Keyaa Mukhrjee provided the guidelines on optimization of Available Resources and Mrs. Aarati Mahadik talked on Maintains of Service Book.
Both speakers helped participants to solve their queries in Q&A session.
360 participants participated in the Online State Level Staff Development Program (SDP).